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Setting Goals with Your Team (with Freebie!)

Setting Goals with your Team with paper airplane

In the high-speed world of real estate, setting goals is like having a GPS for your team's collective ambition. Real estate agents are generally fast thinking, quick moving people. And if we don’t make an intentional effort to get everyone on the same page, everyone will run in different directions.

So, let's ditch the vague aspirations and aimless wandering, and dive into the world of SMART goals, the secret weapon that separates those who succeed from those who don’t.

SMART goals are like the spicy cousins of traditional goals – they're Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound, and they're not afraid to give you a good metaphorical slap in the face if you start slacking off.

Here's why SMART goals are your real estate team's secret weapons:

  • They focus your energy: SMART goals transform vague aspirations into clear objectives, ensuring your team's efforts are laser-focused on achieving specific targets. No more chasing butterflies and missing out on the big deals.

  • They help you measure progress: With measurable goals, you can track your team's progress like a seasoned marathon runner, celebrating milestones and identifying areas that need a little more oomph.

  • They keep you grounded in reality: SMART goals are about setting achievable targets, not pie-in-the-sky dreams that leave you feeling like you've been hit by a reality check meteor shower.

  • They align individual aspirations with team goals: SMART goals create a harmonious balance between personal ambitions and the collective vision, ensuring everyone's rowing in the same boat, not paddling in circles.

  • They give you a sense of urgency: Time-bound goals provide a ticking clock that keeps your team motivated and moving at a brisk pace, like a group of chefs racing against the clock to create a masterpiece before the food critic arrives.

How to Craft SMART Goals for Your Team:

  1. Get your team involved: Don't be a goal-setting dictator. Involve your team members in the process. Their insights and perspectives will enrich the goals and foster a sense of ownership.

  2. Be specific and measurable: Don't say "increase sales." Specify a measurable target, like "increase sales by 15% in the next quarter…" and then TELL THE TEAM what that number is.

  3. Keep it achievable: Don't set goals that make your team feel like they're trying to scale Mount Everest barefoot. Set challenging but realistic targets that align with your team's capabilities and resources.

  4. Make sure your goals align with your team's purpose: Your goals should be relevant to your team's mission and values.

  5. Set clear deadlines: Set specific deadlines for achieving each goal, providing a roadmap for your team's progress and ensuring timely completion.

Here are some Examples:

  • Increase sales by 20% in the next year, closing a volume of $X

  • Achieve a 95% client satisfaction rating within six months, with 100% leaving reviews

  • Recruit and train two new agents within the next year

  • Increase social media engagement by 30% in the next six months

Note how these tell you EXACTLY what to accomplish and when it should be accomplished.

Tips for Implementing SMART Goals Like a Boss

  1. Communicate goals clearly and consistently: Don't let your goals become forgotten relics in the depths of your email inbox. Regularly remind your team of the goals, ensuring everyone is on the same page and understands their role in achieving them.

  2. Track progress and provide feedback: Don't let your team flounder in goal-setting limbo. Regularly monitor progress towards goals and provide constructive feedback, helping them stay on track and overcome challenges.

  3. Celebrate achievements and milestones: Don't let your team's hard work go unnoticed. Recognize and celebrate their accomplishments


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